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ESG Reporting & Auditing

Standardised non-financial annual CSR/ESG report through flagship platform ESG Connector

Annual CSR/ESG reporting has become mandatory in a decent number of stock exchanges across Europe, North America, Asia Pacific regions. A typical report length is around 100 pages which need significant amount of efforts to collect the data and interpret into reports.. Rating agencies are actively monitoring the publish of CSR/ESG reports by listed companies in order to update their ESG ratings. Although there's no single standard of reporting, a lot of companies adopt GRI, or local stock exchange requirement.. GC Insights are specialized in assisting companies in publishing CSR/ESG reports as well as providing the underlying ESG data auditing services. Our flagship ESG Connector platform allows users to choose frameworks like GRI, HKEX and other reporting standards,

Corporate ESG Integration Strategy

Help company review the entire sustainable value chain

ESG data reporting and rating improvement cannot be separated from a holistic ESG integration strategy. As ESG issues are sometimes externalities, which means we didn't consider the cost of natural capital we take, e.g. water usage, or the pollution consequence from the production process. The ESG integration strategy needs to review the complete value chain from usage of natural capitals to the entire carbon footprint as well as the recycle chain. A circular economy approach is the key to establish a suitable integration strategy for each company.

Carbon Accounting and LCA Solution

Build carbon accounting framework and find reduction opportunities and solutions. Officially endorsed by EPD standard

Due to the increasing of legislation and compliance requirements, carbon neutrality is becoming a key target for most companies. By setting up carbon accounting framework and prepare carbon neutrality strategies in advance, it can help companies to mitigate physical and transitional risks but also bring future profit benefits. 


We are also delivering Product Life Cycle Assessments with growing research capacities in Product Life Cycle Data Analytics and Data Management. We are the trust partner for providing solutions of LCA. We are working with leading data vendors on improving data qualities and helping more corporates and their associated products to gain global credentials such as EPD, the Environmental Product Declarations to sustain their commitments towards sustainable production and low-carbon logistics.

ESG Regulatory Watch / Topical Report Subscription

Receive ESG related regulatory updates across different markets

ESG related policy intervention is increasing rapidly. Comply with increasing regulatory requirements becomes essential. By subscribing to our "ESG Regulatory Watch", customers can receive monthly updates of China and global ESG and green finance related policies and regulations. Customers can choose the country or region of interest. Topical report will keep you updated to the latest ESG development in the market and provide the fastest actionable insights based on the express analysis to enact real change aimed at sustaining ESG values. Click the Reports page to view more.

Sustainability External Communication

Increase your corporate's sustainability achievement's visibility and influence

Manage sustainability-related PR release, article writing, send clear message of your achievement and avoid green-washing & miss-representation, while improving the company’s sustainability influence.


Provide ESG or sustainability related content writing and editing requirements on social media such as WeChat official accounts and LinkedIn, provide social media operation services and interact with sustainability online & offline communities.


Help companies apply for the most recognized sustainability-related global initiatives and awards to increase external recognition of sustainability performance.

ESG Due Diligence

Identify, assess and analyse ESG related opportunity and risk

ESG due diligence is to provide insights into the value of a company’s ESG performance. Help investors mitigate risks and enhance ESG processes by engaging different vendors in the entire ESG eco-chain.


Consideration of ESG factors during the investment process, particularly at the due diligence stage is critical, it can help to understand whether and how a business might generate ESG impacts and risks, detective company’s controversial or illegal behaviors in advance.

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