
Regulatory Watch
Pastries - $4
Butter Croissant - $2.5
Coffee/Tea - $1
Fresh Juice - $2

Topical Report
Pastries - $4
Butter Croissant - $2.5
Coffee/Tea - $1
Fresh Juice - $2
Our latest topical reports

EU Taxonomy Disclosures Becomes Law
Jan 2022
The EU Taxonomy rules will become operational as of January 1, 2022, providing much needed clarity to companies and investors. It is essential to the application of forthcoming entity and product-level disclosures against the EU Taxonomy’s climate objectives, climate change mitigation & adaptation.
What to know before starting a Product Life Cycle Assessment
Jan 2022
The GHG Protocol Scope 3 and Product Standards both take a value chain or life cycle approach to GHG accounting. Instead of a technical account, this report focus on the practical guidance for conducting a product LCA project and provide you with the key items to consider at the start.