Latest Global ESG Legislation Development Available from GC Insights
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China: The CCER market, China Certified Emission Reduction Scheme relaunched on Jan 22, 2024. // National Certification and Accreditation Administration (NCAA) released the Qualification requirements for Accreditation Supervision Agencies in CCER Project Verification. // "Beautiful China" plan to boost environmental protection and transportation decarbonization. // China’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2023-2030) released… Hong Kong: The Green and Sustainable Finance Cross-Agency Steering Group announces key initiatives to support Hong Kong in capitalizing on sustainable finance opportunities. // Technical Guide for Compiling A Combined Inventory of Air Pollutants And Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Trial) released, // Provisional Method for Cultivating And Managing Green Factories in Different Tiers finalized...
Australia: Australian government announced climate-related financial disclosure exposure draft legislation…
Singapore: Meteorological Service Singapore has released findings of the Third National Climate Change Study (V3), which projects more extreme weather and an accelerating increase in mean sea levels for Southeast Asia by the end of the century…
EU: EEFRAG issued a public consultation on two exposure drafts on sustainability reporting standards for SMEs under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). // The European Banking Authority (EBA) has launched a public consultation on draft Guidelines on the management of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks. // EU to regulate green claims and stop greenwashing. // EU Commission welcomes agreement on strong EU targets to reduce CO2 emissions from new trucks and urban buses. // EU Commission proposed to delay the adoption of sustainability reporting standards for certain sectors and third-country companies by two years. // EFRAG and TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures) sign a cooperation agreement to further advance nature-related reporting. // EU Council adopts position to ban products made with forced labor on the EU market. // ECB announced climate and nature plan 2024-2025...
UK: The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) Revises UK Corporate Governance Code…
US: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Proposed Rule to Reduce Wasteful Methane Emissions from the Oil and Gas Sector to Drive Innovation and Protect Communities. // President Biden is announcing a new initiative - The American Climate Corp to train young people in high-demand skills for jobs in the clean energy economy…
Canada: The Government of Canada is seeking feedback on developing a federal plastics registry to help tackle plastic pollution. // The Government of Canada is taking unprecedented action by launching the Canada Water Agency and investing $650 million over 10 years in the Freshwater Action Plan to protect and restore water quality and ecosystem health in major watersheds across the country…