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China's Green insurance business statistics system

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Green insurance business statistics system

The General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission released the Notice of Green Insurance Business Statistics System on Nov 11, 2022. Companies should carry out trial submissions on a monthly basis from December 2022, and submit national data from the Green Insurance Business Statistics Table during the trial submission stage.

Since July 2023, companies will officially submit the national and provincial (autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government, and municipality separately listed in the plan) data of the Green Insurance Business Statistics Table.


Companies should carry out trial submissions on a monthly basis from December 2022, and submit national data from the Green Insurance Business Statistics Table during the trial submission stage.

Since July 2023, companies will officially submit the national and provincial (autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government, and municipality separately listed in the plan) data of the Green Insurance Business Statistics Table.

Reporting Contents & Scopes

Mainly statistics on the green insurance business of insurance companies, including three aspects: first, the insurance business that provides protection for environmental, social, and governance risks (ESG); the second is the insurance business that provides protection for green industries; The last one is the insurance business that provides protection for green life.

The underwriting and claims settlement of green insurance business in this statistical table include statistical indicators such as "number of policies", "original insurance premium income", "insurance amount", "number of compensation pieces" and "compensation expenditure", and their statistics scopes should be consistent with the reporting requirements of the insurance statistical information system.

This statistical table only counts non-life insurance businesses, that is, property insurance businesses (including property damage insurance, liability insurance, credit insurance, and guarantee insurance, etc.) and accident insurance businesses, and health insurance businesses.

Reporting frequency and reporting deadlines

Each insurance company conducts statistical submissions on a monthly basis and submits the cumulative data of green insurance business for the year as of the end of the previous month within 10 working days after the end of each month.

Reporting Portal

Submit through the green insurance business module of "Innovative Business Statistical Information System” from the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission.

The Green Insurance Business Statistics Table & KPIs

Reporting on the “Green Insurance Business Statistics Table” requires the number of policies, Original insurance premium income, Insured amount, Number of payouts, and Indemnity expenses against the following subjects:

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